Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Briggs-5 months old!

Believe it or not, this little boy is an identical to his big brother Knox.  We pulled out home videos and old pictures a few weeks ago and were completely blown away by how much they resemble each other.  Briggs is weighing in at 18 pounds!  Amazing that with all those pounds he still wants to eat at night, sometimes two or three times.  We are fighting through some tough sleep training right now and Jerrold has deemed himself the coach.  There has already been improvement and I am so thankful for his support in this tough season.

   Briggs is so laidback and we often note how little noise he makes, during the day :).  He is perfectly content to watch Eli & Knox as they play.  He loves to watch tv, just like Eli did as a baby.  We just pulled out our praise baby dvds and the baby einsteins too.  It's been surreal to hear those songs and videos playing again, it's amazing how much I have forgotten since my first two babies were babies together. 

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