Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's been a while...

We have been away for quite a while from the blogging world. Things have been pretty busy with our crowd.

In the past month we have:

* Celebrated Knox's first birthday! (I have to get pics from others, mine are gone)
* Celebrated Easter! (lost these pics too)
* Had an EEG done to be sure Knox is completely normal, not having seizures...more on that later.
* Sold our old home and purchased a new one!

Unfortunately our camera died in the middle of all these major events. We purchased a new on on Friday and I am looking forward to catching all these sweet memories. We love, love the new house! We have been in for a week tomorrow night and things are going well. Eli and Knox adjusted so quickly, I was a little surprised. We are all a little more relaxed and at ease with our extra space. We feel so blessed to have been able to purchase a new home and spread out a bit...


lillymac said...

congrats on the new house... hope it has extra bedrooms to fill with more babies!

Kirstin C said...

We're so excited for y'all about the new house! And we're glad to know everyone is happy & healthy again! We love y'all!
