Wednesday, March 10, 2010

One Lucky Boy...

Eli got to take his Daddy to school today! He is already very lucky (and me too) that his Daddy takes him to school most Mondays and Wednesdays. Today was "Doughnuts with Daddy". They colored pictures together and shared doughnuts and goldfish.
Eli and Knox are so blessed to have a wonderful Dad that works hard to provide for our family, while also spending as much time with them as possible. I am so proud of the father Jerrold is to our children. We are all extra thankful for him!


Mary Mac said...

so stinking cute... and lucky :)

Kirstin C said...

You were so smart to take a picture! It never occurred to me to send a camera with Rob. Oops! :)

I'm glad they enjoyed Daddy Day... Riley & Rob had fun, too! Your boys are so lucky to have such a cool Daddy... and Mommy too!!
